A major winter storm will pass just south of us tomorrow, causing lots of trouble for those more rural than ourselves. We will be under the northern wing of the storm and so will be spared from the full brunt of it. But while the major forecasters disagree on the amount of snow that we will see tomorrow, I think that I will have to agree with Tom Skilling and make a prediction of four inches or more of "fluffy" snow, starting slowly in the morning and increasing as the day continues.
The big computer models are predicting a warming trend next week which would turn this snow into the ugly patches of slush that we all love so much. There will still be time for snow before Christmas, so don't fret if you've been dreaming of the lovely old cliché.
Saturday, December 15
Posted by
Adrienne Eaton
6:49 PM
Thursday, December 13
Finally, we are free from the threat of freezing rain. Now we will have some boring winter weather, the kind with mostly cloudy skies, moderately cold temperatures, enough wind to cause discomfort, and ugly patches of half-melted snow.
Posted by
Adrienne Eaton
7:56 PM
Saturday, December 8 Update
I think that we can expect the following in the Chicago metro area tonight:
Flurries will start after 3pm, increasing to light snow throughout the evening (really light, less than an inch).
Around midnight sleet will mix with the snow and continue through late morning.
As the temperatures rise tomorrow afternoon the sleet will change to freezing rain (it freezes as it touches the ground). As they fall again near sunset the rain will change to snow and gradually taper off.
It appears right now that all of this will be light and intermittent, but it will make for dangerous driving conditions. Because the exact location of the freezing line is very hard to predict, the timing of the different types of precipitation will vary from the north to the south of the city.
Posted by
Adrienne Eaton
11:19 AM
Saturday, December 8
No, it's not over. Tonight evening will most likely bring us sleet, freezing rain, and a bit more snow. I can't tell yet when and how it will come, but don't expect much until after 5. I will be looking at the maps again in the morning and will make a precise forecast then. For now, enjoy your Friday night.
Posted by
Adrienne Eaton
5:43 PM
Thursday, December 6
A bitter cold morning. The temperatures will rise slightly throughout the day but won't reach 30 until tomorrow. You will notice the sky clouding over, a herald of the coming snow which will start falling not long after dark and continue into the night. A few more inches will fall on top of what we have already. I think that as the temperature increases the snow will be better for packing, so Chicago Weather recommends that you take advantage of the situation and play outside tomorrow night.
Posted by
Adrienne Eaton
5:16 PM
Wednesday, December 5
As you may have noticed, it has snowed. And if you are reading this on Wednesday morning it is probably still snowing. What we have just experienced is the first "Alberta Clipper" of the season. These are fast moving winter storm systems that whip down from Alberta and quickly cross the continent. A typical clipper leaves a layer of snow and frigid air in its wake, and this one won't deviate from the norm.
The temperatures will remain low today, with a high of around 30. The clipper itself will have exited the region by mid-morning, but it is leaving us a special parting gift: winds blowing over the lake. These will create some lake effect snow that will gracefully fall through the late morning and add perhaps another inch of accumulation close to the lake.
After this we will have a brief, brief respite. Thursday night the next system will be upon us, and the snow will likely continue. But don't complain yet, there will be time for that later. This is the first real snow and it is beautiful.
Posted by
Adrienne Eaton
7:50 PM