
Chicago Weather Update

I still don't have dsl yet because I realized that I owe SBC some money, but I am working on it and everything will be up and running very shortly and I will have the leisure to compose nightly forecasts. I am considering updating the format of this blog and have had some requests for picture forecasts from people who have no time to read a paragraph, so, if anyone has any suggestions please let me know and I will do my best to serve your weather needs. Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More graphics would be nice, although I don't understand why someone couldn't read the accompanying text. Perhaps just links to graphics, as you've done with some of your earlier posts. Mostly, I'd like you to quit whining about why you can't do weather forcasts, and just do some damn forcasts already. And what's that thing you see out on Lake Michigan? A water treatment plant? Weather station? An evil science lab?