
Sunday Night

There is a little patch of freezing rain heading our direction that might reach us in the early morning hours, but if temperatures are warm enough it might be just plain old rain, and no matter what there won't be much of it.
Beyond that everything is unpredictable. In the next few days we could get more freezing rain, then regular rain, then freezing rain again, then snow; or rain then snow, or just snow, or just rain, or nothing at all. But because I am your forecaster I will not avoid sticking my neck out and will make up a forecast for you, which is mainly an opinion anyway, and it is this: cold stinging rain in little patches tomorrow during the day, then nothing for a while, then very light snow on Tuesday night and Wednesday. I can tell you with some certainty that the temperature will reach the mid-thirties tomorrow and probably won't be oscillating too much over the next few days. And if my forecast is correct there will be small patches of ice around tomorrow night.

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